Value-added Services
Transpromotional Marketing
By exploiting advertising opportunities on your monthly customer statements, transpromotional marketing from Bacompt can lower your monthly mailing costs, boost sales through upselling, and generate additional revenue from your business partners.
The best part — it’s micro‐targeted to a readership who already knows and trusts you.
Bacompt can exploit any geographic or demographic data and match it to targeted ads, such as that for a luxury vehicle versus an economy car. Is it part of your business strategy to generate more depositors? We can target candidates based on their financial data. Want to encourage yearly mammograms and colonoscopies? We can direct patients to facilities and physicians located nearest to them. And because these ads appear on monthly invoices or statements — which by their nature are opened and read — you can expect a virtual 100 percent view rate.
eStatement Solution

Bacompt provides eStatements through SenditCertified™, a patented solution powered by Privacy Data Systems. The solution provides the most secure means of encryption commercially available: AES 256–bit encryption, SSAE 16 Type II data center, and up to three levels of recipient authentication. SenditCertified is also compliant with HIPAA, GLBA, PCI, and the ESIGN Act.

Online Bill Payment & Presentment (OBPP)
Online payment is increasingly being used as a core collection process by financial services companies, healthcare organizations, and collection agencies. Bacompt can automate your payments and improve your processing efficiency all in one tidy, personalized package.
Within your statements or collection letters, we provide a hosted link to the customer’s own personalized website, pre-populated with account and payment information. Here the customer can make payment by credit card, debit card, or check, as well as update personal information. Once the payment is processed, the money is deposited directly into your account, and both you and the customer receive an email confirming the transaction.
Address Change Service (ACS)
ACS is an electronic enhancement that centralizes, automates, and improves the process of providing address correction or reason for non-delivery notices. Bacompt consolidates this with additional information added to the USPS interface Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb).
The barcode now includes three new data fields that enable the USPS to provide additional services:
Service type ID: returned mail
Mailer ID: identifies Bacompt as the creator of the mail piece
Serial Number: uniquely identifies each mail piece
Moreover, we pull and process list data daily. From this, we can reformat and import electronic records back into our customers’ databases for their own list hygiene and use.
Address Resolution Service (ARS)
Many address records revealed as “broken” by USPS CASS™ and DPV™ processing can be repaired and returned to mailing for prompt and efficient delivery. Bacompt can put these “bad” addresses to good use by employing state-of-the-art technology for easy reintegration with your mailing lists.
Historically, you’ve had two choices for mail displaying only a 5-digit zip code:
Omit records from the job, which will save printing and postage
Mail anyway, which will draw higher postage and risk never being delivered
Our software gives you a third choice, “none of the above.” ARS can restore these “undeliverable as addressed” records to peak 9-digit deliverability with a typical success rate of 30 percent, sometimes much higher. You’ll reduce your undeliverable mail without sacrificing potentially profitable addresses in the process.